Horizontal drilling is the process of steering a drill bit to follow horizontal path oriented approximately 90° from vertical through the reservoir rock....
There are several types of drilling rigs, which lies under several categories for example:-Land Rigs-Marine Barg-Marine Jack-up*Here, there are some...
In 1971, the Soviets opened the Door to Hell, and 42 years later that door is still open. A natural gas field in Derweze, Turkmenistan, the Door to Hell...
MULTILATERAL -Laterals are wellbores drilled from the main wellbore. - Wellbores drilled from a horizontal lateral into the horizontal plane arebranches,...
The choice of drilling method depends upon:-Cost,-Well spacing and-Mechanical conditions of a vertical well bore-In addition, reservoir consideration.
Here's the ideal tool if you're looking for a flexible, straightforward analysis system for your everyday design and operations decisions. This new third...