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Friday, July 27, 2012


Here I put a valuable handbooks about well control for every operation in petroleum industry : Book Contents 1 PRESSURE BASICS 2 KICK FUNDAMENTALS 3...

Script for the 10 Drilling CDs of Schlumberger

To help non-English-native oilmen and newpetroleum professionals to better understand the 10 Drilling CDs (Schlumberger training material).The 10 CDs...

Oil Traps

There are three basic forms of a structural trap in petroleum geology: -Anticline Trap -Fault Trap-Salt Dome Trap The common link between these...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Drilling Fluids

A drilling fluid is any fluid which is circulated through a well in order toremove cuttings from a wellbore. This section will discuss fluids whichhave...

Exploration with Wireline Logs

The information from wireline logs is used to enhance two principleobjectives in the exploration program:Rock & Reservoir Properties Hydrocarbon Evaluationa....

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